An open discussion event with a presentation by Dr Chris Forman, research associate in the Department of Chemistry, Cambridge University. Chris will introduce his research into applying biophysics to develop new materials and technology to improve sustainable engineering and manufacturing.
His ideas are radical and futuristic and encompass an enormous shift into the way we organise our societies and manufacture our goods, touching on such topics as:
- permaculture, including an explanation of the work of Gavin Munro, who grows chairs and other furniture at his farm in Derby;
- nature as a network with parallels to the internet;
- the no waste, minimal trade society;
and much more. The evening will also include an open discussion of the many ideas raised by the talk. Some are controversial, some are challenging, many are simply beautiful.
Free event, admission strictly limited to 19 people. To reserve your space, please book for free here:
Cambridge Wine Merchant's full range of fine wines, beer and spirits will be available to purchase on the night.